Friday, October 27, 2006

Happy Halloween!

We took advantage of the swimming pool again this afternoon.
We then went for a walk to a cotton field nearby, where we picked some cotton (that's Mei in the picture)and some unopened pods. That was the highlight of my day. The highlight of the kids' day was tonight when we went to a halloween party for supper, games, and trunk-or-treat (going trunk to trunk in a parking lot instead of door to door - much less walking!) Ila and Mei and Kristi dressed up as princesses, although after a few minutes Ila changed to being a pirate. Liam and Emma were both vampires and Jared was a Ninja. We met a lady at the Halloween party who was from Dublan and her husband was from Juarez. They told us it is really hard to get a rental in Juarez but that Dublan would be easy. She also said that the English elementary school in Dublan is in dire need of volunteers and teachers (I knew there was a reason for us going there). We are catching a bus into Mexico on Tarahumara buslines at 7 am tomorrow morning. We have to get up around 5 am in order to get ready and have enough time to drive into the middle of Phoenix. That might be a good thing though because then we might be able to fall asleep on the bus and the nine hour bus ride will pass faster.

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