Sunday, March 01, 2020


Freya and I took a little trip to Århus together this weekend to hang out with Liam and attend a regional conference for our church. Liam rents a room in a place that used to be an office building where half of the building has been converted into rooms for rent, either through Airbnb or on a more permanent basis. Liam has two other roommates who rent monthly like him and the rest are rented through Airbnb. There is no living room but there are two shared bathrooms and a kitchen. It makes for a strange living environment, having many new roommates every night.
Freya and I were able to stay in one of the nightly rentals for free if Liam promised to clean it after for the owners (Thanks Liam!)
Liam met us at the train station yesterday and we explored downtown all afternoon, visiting a tiny viking museum and an enormous old church. Liam had to work last night until early this morning and we just let him sleep when we left for the conference today so we didn't get to hang out with him the whole time but it was nice to see where he lives and works.

Downtown Århus with Liam and Freya

The cafe and wine bar where Liam works

Spring flowers

Viking artefacts

Skeleton of a man from the Viking age, found at site of museum, believed to have been murdered. 

Århus Domkirke

The altar

Meeting room in the church

There are many of these gravestones in the floors of old churches

Århus playhouse

Just a doorway that I thought was pretty

An old building and a goofball

Another old building, same goofball

Just a cute little old classic Danish church close to where Liam lives

Liam's place

Back to Kolding by train

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