Friday, December 20, 2019

bad news

We had been waiting to hear back from the Esbjerg International School where Rus had his job interview, but found out a few days ago that it went to another candidate. Out of the seemingly endless job applications that were sent, this was the only one that showed any promise. So sadly, Rus will have to stay out of Denmark (and the entire Schengen area) for 90 days before he can return again. When I decided that Dean should go with him, I was thinking with my head instead of my heart. I wouldn't have been able to get him to school before having to be at work and I thought it would be easier on everyone. But I physically feel like a chunk of my heart went with them back to Canada. I won't get to see my little guy until March. I know that this is a reality for a lot of families around the world. Decisions are made every day by immigration officials that effect individuals profoundly. Some parents are forced into situations where they don't see their spouses or children for years. I can be grateful that this is not something that was forced upon me. We chose to take a risk and come here, hoping that Rus would be able to stay. We know that our children will have future opportunities through obtaining EU citizenship and that this experience will profoundly alter their perspective on life and their ability to adapt and adjust. It's just really hard to see these benefits sometimes and this mother misses her little boy.

my favorite chocolate and
 my favorite 7 year old

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