Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Freya and I are sitting in a Burger King restaurant at the Copenhagen airport waiting for Freya's friend Megan to arrive with her little brother and parents. We've rented an Airbnb together for a few days here in Copenhagen and then they will come back to Kolding with us for a few more days before going to London and then home. We are pretty excited to show them around and have some good quality friend time.

Had another wonderful day with cousins. This morning Marianne picked us up and we drove to Slagelse to see her brother Martin. I was pretty excited to see him because it has also been 17 years since we have seen each other. Now I have been reunited with all of my cousins and I can return to Canada a happy lady.

Between the islands of Fyn and Sjælland, there is a tiny island where "bad girls" were sent in the olden days, girls who were pregnant out of wedlock or generally misbehaving. They were taken there and were not able to leave. It is no longer an island as it is now attached to the large bridge between Fyn and Sjælland and is no longer used to house bad girls of course.

Ila trying out the zipline at a playground just before the bridge

...and Mei trying out the swings

stretching our legs with a walk to the beach before heading over the bridge to Sjælland

Sprogø - "the island for loose women"

After seeing Martin's place and meeting his two cats and his dog that reminds me of the alien Stitch, we went to a cafe and a few secondhand stores together. He showed us an old bulding that was once a school that Hans Christian Anderson attended. They dropped us off at the train station where we took the train to Copenhagen Central Station. It took some time for us to find the Metro and we got on a train going the wrong direction before we figured out what we were doing. Made it safely to the Airbnb though which is close to a train station and right above a little grocery store.

Martin in front of his rækkehus


Me, Martin and Marianne

Me and Martin in front of Sct. Mikkels Church in Slagelse...and Freya in the background

Latinskolen, a school that H.C. Anderson attended, downtown Slagelse

Mei settling in to the Airbnb

Freya on the train, showing off the awesome purse I got from a secondhand store in Slagelse

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