Monday, March 12, 2007

el mercado

Our kids are enamoured with the whole cows, pigs and chickens that they get to see whenever we go to the market. We once saw a guy stumbling down the aisle with the weight of a whole cow on his shoulders. There is very little processing here. It goes straight from the farm to the butcher to the cook to the mouth. It is good for us to see this so we are not so removed from the origin of the meat that we are consuming. We ate cow tongue tacos before we knew what it was we were eating. It tasted fine. Rus really liked it. Liam didn't seem to mind when we told him. I guess to him it would be on par with eating any part of an animal's body because he hasn't been conditioned to think that some parts of an animal's body are less desirable for consumption than others.

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