Friday, March 02, 2007

The life of a fish

We went to the art museum this week and there was a painting there that reminded me of something that happened last week. We were walking along the beach when we came across a fish. It looked dead at first but then we realized it was alive. We took Liam's sand shovel and scooped it farther out towards the ocean. The tide came in and covered it and there was just enough depth for it to start swimming sideways toward deeper water. It looked so alive and excited to be in the wetness again. It was going to live! But then before we could even blink, a pelican swooped down and snatched it up for lunch. It was an exciting and emotional moment for everyone invloved.


Anonymous said...

sorry but i'm laughing my butt off right now. maybe he's looking for his son though.....

elisabeth said...

it's funny you should say that because I was talking about how bad I felt when I was walking on the rocks and I stepped on anemones and Liam said "Mom, it's just the circle of life." Not exactly the correct context but it was cute and it happened a few days after we talked to him about the fish incident.

elisabeth said...

jay, i didn't even know that you were referring to Finding Nemo until Rus told.