Sunday, June 14, 2020

Fødselsdagsfest for Freya

Freya's Birthday isn't until July 12 but my aunt Kirsten suggested that we give her a little party now because all the other kids got a birthday party in Denmark.  So on Saturday, Kirsten, Finn and Marianne (and little Sussi) came for the afternoon and we had lots of food and good conversation. When we get back to Canada on July 8th, we will most likely have to quarantine for 14 days and Freya's real birthday party in Canada will have to be postponed so I am grateful that she could have this day.

Freya and some cats

The collective screaming during decapitation is always the best part.

Marianne and Sussi
Freya wishes she could take Sussi home to Canada.
I wish I could take Marianne home to Canada.

Uncle Finn telling stories

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