Thursday, June 11, 2020

name that house

We have come across several houses that are named. Most Danes love caring for their home and yard and I think naming their home is representative of that, although I don't think it's common to do so any more. One thing that stands out here is how well kept the homes are, inside and out. People spend a lot of time in their homes in the evenings and weekends and having a tidy but cozy (hyggelig) atmosphere to live in makes a difference. I know I feel more content when my surroundings are well cared for and comfortable.
Here are a few of the houses that I pass by regularly on my way to and from work...

Solhøj- terrible picture I know
I had to zoom in cause it was high on a hill





My house! This one isn't actually on my commute
 route, it was one that Rus took a picture of for me on one of his many bike rides.
This house is in Christiansfeld, a small town south of Kolding.

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