Thursday, November 30, 2006

at a library again

I have started working at the library at Escuela Manuel Dublan. I work every tuesday and then as a substitute for other days. It's wonderful. The children are so cute, with their heavy spanish accents and their big brown eyes. It is helping me learn a little more spanish. Rus is going to come sit with me sometimes and repair old books. There is a small library in Casas but the elementary school library is actually better. There is also a Mennonite resource center in Casas where they have German, Spanish, and English material. We have made friends with the family that is running the center. They are here from Winkler, Manitoba on a two year contract.


Dagga said...

how great, glad you found your way home...

Anonymous said...

Hey...that's cool that you got library work. Newspaper production should send me some of that lead candy and I can give it to people I don't like...

Anonymous said...

good to see you are having fun at the libary. i'm afraid you won't come back. so yeah anyway it looks like the libary we had in high prairie. except ours looked even more 2nd world. but we did have cylinder records.

Anonymous said...

Hey kids, and Mark...been a long time....your funny.
My Mom grew up near Winkler Manitoba. It's so great that your working in a libary.
My old friend Noni and her boyfriend Gerald came and spent the night last happend to be my birthday party that night. I also "came out" to my friends as a poet (lol) and read a long poem I did with the raving poets. I think I told you guys about that group, but you should check out their site. I've read twice with them starting on the 22 of november and then again on the 29th...anyway they had a live feed and I think they may have that avalible on the site ( I read in the second set on the 22 and the first on the 29...anyway this is long and boring maybe, but I'm really excited about writing again. I'd like you two to read some of my stuff. Cool. Corine, ps drop me an email (you too Mark) when you can

Anonymous said...

It's been fun to share your adventure. How can I send photos to you? I've got some from your last day in the Family Hub (soon to be known as the Raymond Parent Link Centre!)The garbage truck isn't working so well-- makes us realize how much we depend on that service. Aren't you glad you don't have to deal with it!

Merry Christmas to all of you and hugs to your sweet kids,


Anonymous said...

hey, do you guys have an address there in mexico that you can post or email me so i can send you a christmas card?

Anonymous said...

stop working so hard and go to the beach...!!!

are you excited about christmas down there..
we may not have snow ourselves..oh well.

do people set up nativities in their front room (and i mean their whole front room) and i swear any little doll existing passes as a wiseman..

and Christmas eve is a big party of fireworks...
so if that's the're in for a huge treat.

let us know...

teauru...'s the spanish classes..?

elisabeth said...

spanish classes haven't started yet, maybe we will have to wait till we get home and take them from lcc
lots of nativity scenes in front yards so far...

mary rose, send them to our box number in raymond. thanks, we think of you lots.

elisabeth said...

sorry but no one should mail anything to us here cause the postal service is either non-existant in some parts or just unreliable. your stuff would get stolen or lost.

elisabeth said...

corine i couldn't find you on there. do you go by a pen name?