Thursday, November 02, 2006


Things have changed a bit since my last post. Rus walked from the school to the house we will be renting and it took him 45 minutes. That is pretty far to walk every morning and afternoon. Rus or I would have to walk him to school and back home morning and afternoon so that would be a total of 3 hours of walking per school day. That is more than us spoiled americanos can take. There doesn't appear to be any buses going past there and the place is unfurnished as well, which means we would have to find furniture. We have heard that there are furnished places to rent somewhere but haven't been able to find the guy that rents them. We are feeling bored and tired and dirty. We have not had a real bath in almost a week, which wouldn't be so bad if this place wasn't so dirty. Ila and Mei tell us every day that they want to go home. Liam misses his friends. The novelty of this place is starting to wear off, the dirt is starting to bother us and the language barrier is frustrating. After a lot of thought we decided to forget about trying to find a convenient place to rent and felt that we should just live in the moment. Instead of taking Liam to school tomorrow, we are going to see the Paquime ruins, which are about 8 kms from here. Then on the weekend, we will probably go check out Colonia Jaurez. We will be doing all this by bus. One of our biggest regrets is not taking our car with us. I think if it was just Rus and I maybe it would be easier to just live out of a backpack but our kids need more than this. Anyway, enough with the negativity. After deciding that we didn't care whether we stayed or left, we started enjoying ourselves again. Enough with the stress, we have embraced the roles of tourists. Here Mei and Liam are picking oranges (they were very sour but delicious) somewhere between Nuevo and Dublan. The house is just one that we thought was

cool. There are a lot of beautiful houses here. We didn't get a picture of the house that we thought of renting but it is pretty cool too. The last picture is of a castle that the town of Dublan built once when it had a lot of drug money. Now it is just used for community events and discos.


Anonymous said...

rus - uh, you are a dad and you look like one in the last picture. hee hee. ah, the rise and fall of excitement. hope you guys figure it all out. things will fall in to place, whichever place you will need to be. sure the girls with their blonde hair stand out. the black hair out numbers the lighter colors here in Farmington, NM. take care!

Dagga said...

I´m sorry to hear that things are not quite working out, but I´m sure everything will be fine, I´ve never known people that are more laid back then you guys and that counts for something. You where bound to have a setback at some point and it takes a lot of adjusting to move between countries. It´s just fatigue and stress catching up with you.
kisses and hugs for everyone

Anonymous said...

Wow, you guys made it. It looks like your having a great time despite the set backs. I've been thinking of you all a lot and wishing you well.
I think Liam could make friends anywhere. He's a charming kid. I miss hanging out with him and the girls. Would you give them all a high five for Well, I hope you guys can keep up the blogg it's great to see what your up too.

elisabeth said...

hey thanks for the encouragment. we need it!

Anonymous said...

how many pesos does a bike with a kid seat cost? hey i miss you guys. um sorry about the water problem in your house i will get it all fixed up before you come home.
just kidding. ha ha ha? sorry hey when we went down there after the first few days i wanted to go back but we stuck it out and after 1.5 wks we didn't want to leave. ever. it'll come just find something regular to do and it will seem like home. with cuckarachas.

Anonymous said...

Hey, If you guys could feel how cold it is in Edmonton right now, you would'nt even think of coming back!

Have you considered home schooling Liam in the Mornings?

I hope you can make it work. Have fun. We really enjoy reading your blogs!!
Keep it up!!

If you need someone to drive your car down to ya, I can do it this month cause I hurt my leg and I'm out of work for a while!! (Dan) (I'm sort of Serious)!!

Have fun no matter what!! Hows church there?? - Members? - Callings? etc..

?Como esta el espanol?

elisabeth said...

yo hablo espaƱol poco.

come on down dan. if you really are serious! the weather is beautiful. Liam and Rus still wear shorts. the houses are cold though, mostly adobe.
if you come, you should bring your family with you.

jay, you sort if scared me for two seconds. we are looking for bikes for us all. they have the coolest kids tricycles here, with an extra seat on the back for a friend (or a twin)and toys attached to the front. i saw one for only 290 pesos.