Wednesday, November 22, 2006

love it, hate it

Likes: apple pop, hawaiian pizza with coconut, the large selection of yogourts and granola bars, mexican eyes (dark and friendly, with long lashes), the houses (the variety in colors and shapes), the warm weather, the people

Dislikes: all the stray dogs that sometimes run after us and hang out in packs, the road kill (usually stray dogs) that don't get removed for days and sometimes weeks, the houses (how cold they are inside when it's so warm outside!), cactus needles, not having a car

I will add to the list later I'm sure.
Oh, and the water is not so bad here. It's drinkable in most parts, although I prefer not to drink it, just to be safe. So far, we have not gotten sick from drinking it. I think if we were to go much farther south in mexico it would be different.

Good news: there is going to be a free spanish class for us to take soon. I think Rus will also be helping teach an english class and I am supposed to be starting at Liam's school library soon.

Okay, I have made up for not posting in so long by writing four posts in a row.


Anonymous said...

manzana lift! a!!!! i am so jealous we brought back two bottles of it when we came back. bring back five or six if you can. i love that stuff.

Anonymous said...

tollerating spicy is fine....taste's what it does internally..
superstore sells plantains..
(platano)...we may even have one rotting on the counter..
and happy your house is cool...cause come summer/april
(semana santa) will welcome a cool retreat..
but it is a bit odd being cold at night in mexico...almost annoying.
made me mad too..
do you have anything to cook with at the rental place liz...a fridge/stove..etc.?
just curious...
keep having fun...have liam tell us how school is...
enjoy the we can too (vicariously of course)
teauru/too lazy to sign in

elisabeth said...

yeah the place came furnished with a stove, fridge, two beds, a kitchen table and some chairs.

liam likes school okay now. he hated it at first. it was a little hard for him. he loves his new friends here, although once in a while he misses his friends back home.

yeah that's right jay, manzana lift. i'll bring some back. maybe i will buy an extra backpack and fill it with the stuff. no i don't think i will.

Anonymous said...

yeah...I'd probably have stray dogs as a main dislike too...

Anonymous said...

teauru: we won`t be here after april, and it actually doesn`t get that hot here - high altitude.
- rus