Monday, November 06, 2006

home sweet home

We moved in around noon on saturday. It feels so good to have a place of our own again. Liam has a tiny room to himself and Ila and Mei sleep in a bigger bedroom with us. There were two beds when we moved in and our neighbour lent us two more. The house is divided in half. We live in the back half and our neighbours in the front. They are a young spanish family, with a two year old boy named Isaiah. The mom, Nancy, speaks very good English. She went to the school that Liam is going to (Manuel Dublan). She took me shopping on Saturday and taught me some spanish. She has always wanted to learn French so I am going to teach her a little bit. She took me to this big piece of property where her father has been building a mini theme park, with go-carts, a batting cage and stuff. It was pretty cool to see something like that in progress. He is doing it mostly himself, with the help of his family. It is a good idea because there is nothing like that around here for kids. Nancy keeps telling her dad that someone with a lot of drug money will steal his idea and build it in no time, ruining it for him but he believes that everything will work out because his is with honest money and honest work. Today Nancy is taking me to a second-hand store to get some blankets and other living essentials.
There is a pre-school between our house and the school that takes three year olds. We are going to investigate it tomorrow. Maybe Ila and Mei can learn some spanish.
I had a real conversation today in Spanish with the pharmacist at a drugstore about cough medicine. I feel so proud. I am finding that I can understand a lot but then I don't know how to respond.
Pictures: good-bye hotel Juarez!, front view of the house (we live in the back half), and a picture of the bathroom and the peach colored walls of our bedroom (an excellent example of decorating color schemes here in Mexico)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats guys, sounds like everything is going well for you. Pam and I are just talking about how great it is that you guys are out in the world and having fun.....and how we are both pretty jelous. We are working stiffs. The most fun we have had this week is going to Love that under water football run.
We are planning a trip to Europe next summer. But it's so far away we are having a hard time getting excited about it.
Pam wants to know about the food your eating. Where are you buying it? Are there any out door markets? And what about the water quality?
Well, tell Liam we miss him and hug the girls for us. We miss you and Rus too. Have fun Liz Corine